Last week I showed you my tray of new vegetable seedlings. I have been moving the tray out into the sun in the mornings and back under the terraza roof in the afternoons before it starts raining. Yesterday I was taking a shower and out of nowhere a big thunderstorm came in. By the time I got out of the shower and asked El Jefe to go rescue the seedlings, this is what we found:

Some of the cells are completely empty. There are only a couple of seedlings that look like they might make it. The others were completely uprooted and some are missing in action. I am so discouraged. It is September -- I think I may just pretend that winter is coming to the tropics and forget about vegetables for awhile.

Some of the cells are completely empty. There are only a couple of seedlings that look like they might make it. The others were completely uprooted and some are missing in action. I am so discouraged. It is September -- I think I may just pretend that winter is coming to the tropics and forget about vegetables for awhile.