Christmas traditions in La Ceiba aren't so different from those in the U.S., depending, of course, on the income level of the family. The traditions here in La Ceiba may have been influenced by the long-time presence of the Standard Fruit Company (Dole Co.), at one time the largest employer in the area.

Children almost always receive a new set of clothes and shoes for Christmas. Often that is all that the family can afford and for some it may be their only pair of shoes.

Another year, they all got up on Christmas morning to find no presents at all. El Jefe's mother told them that Santa Claus forgot their house that year. Sad, no? He doesn't ask for sympathy because being poor was just a fact of life to him. It made me very sad to hear it, though. It also makes me sad to think how parents must feel when they can't provide a gift to their children.
Many churches have Christmas Eve or Christmas night services. Although Honduras is routinely reported as being 97% Catholic, my guess is that in La Ceiba that percentage is closer to 50%. There are many Evangelical churches, as well as a big Mormon church and other informal Christian churches as a result of the missionaries who come here.


Tamales are filled usually with a small chicken piece (including the skin and bones) or sometimes pork and some combination of rice, potatoes, garbanzos, peas, and green olives. Tamales are wrapped in banana leaves instead of corn husks. Some eat their tamales with ketchup.

Sandwiches (usually chicken on sliced white bread with mayonnaise, ketchup, and mustard) are another popular food this time of year. Cake is often served to guests, as is rompopo (eggnog). Red grapes and apples are traditional at Christmas time; the groceries and markets are full of them, including some of the biggest grapes I've seen in my life.
Frozen turkeys, canned cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie filling are readily available in the grocery stores in La Ceiba. At a price, though! Cranberry sauce is being advertised right now for $1.59 per can (regular price $2.55) and I have paid as much as $40 for a medium-sized turkey, putting it well out of reach for most families.
Other traditions

Middle or upper income families are likely to have an artificial Christmas tree. Pine trees are not grown nearby although they are grown in Honduras for wood.

Now for the Christmas traditions that I really dislike: Guns and fireworks all night long, especially at midnight on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, but continuing until almost daylight. Various cities and towns ban the fireworks each year but it doesn't seem to have much effect on the quantity available. Even small children can buy them at the corner pulperías (small grocery stores). Although we are still two weeks from Christmas, six children have already been hospitalized for burns from cohetes (firecrackers).

In addition to guns and fireworks, music so loud that you can't talk to one another is common in homes and businesses. Just walking down the street can be painful to your ears.
Other parts of Honduras may have different Christmas traditions. Maybe some of our Honduran readers will comment about them? All in all, except for the noise, Christmas isn't so different in La Ceiba than it is in the U.S.