La Prensa: Reincorporan Honduras al SICA— Sistema de Integración Centroamericano (Honduras returns to SICA — Central American System of Integration)
El Tiempo: Honduras sigue fuera de la SICA (Honduras continues outside of SICA)
Proceso Digital interviewed the Secretary General of SICA, Juan Daniel Alemán who said today that Honduras is a full member of the regional entity "and that they never stopped being one." Alemán said, "Honduras was never expelled."
Spanish online news ADN also quotes Alemán as saying, "Honduras es miembro del SICA, nunca ha sido expulsado, nunca ha sido suspendido", subrayó. Honduras is a member of SICA, it has never been expelled, it has never been suspended.)
Inside the issue, El Tiempo backtracks and admits that Honduras will be permitted to participate in SICA meetings, and cleverly writes:
El secretario general del SICA, Juan Daniel Alemán, consideró que la medida "es un paso en la dirección correcta" tras la expulsión de Honduras por el golpe de Estado contra el ex mandatario Manuel Zelaya en junio de 2009.