La Gringa's empty guest map | La Gringa's Blogicito

September 17, 2006

La Gringa's empty guest map

¡Que lástima! (How pitiful!) There have been 100 visitors from 18 countries and 15 U.S. states since I wrote the last article mentioning La Gringa's Guest Map but only three people have placed a pin on the map. Boohoo! I wonder if I wasn't clear and visitors have been clicking on the world map instead of the globe in the 'Something New!' section.

Guests can be anonymous

Just in case you are shy (or the paranoid type, as I am) the notations on the map can be completely anonymous. Only two fields are required, name and comment. Name can be fake ('La Gringa fan' is even better ;-D ). Comment can be 'Hello from Kampala, Uganda' (or wherever you are from) if you can't think of anything clever to say.

You don't have to enter your email address, in fact I suggest that you do not since I have read that spam bots search through websites gathering email addresses. You may enter your blog's URL for display, if you wish. And don't forget to select your country from the drop down list so that your flag will show with your entry − not required, but nice.

It's easy to put your pin on the map

I'm doing all the work here. Don't you think it's the least you can do for me? Here, I'll even put another copy in this article so you don't even have to go to the sidebar to look for it:

Just click on the globe and read the instructions. It's not so hard and if you make a mistake you can cancel your entry and start over.

Hundreds of prizes

The first 100 visitors will win the right to a healthful, refreshing mangosteen juice served on my lovely tropical orange terraza as soon as my crop comes in (currently estimated to be in the year 2014). You, too, could be lounging in that colorful handmade Honduran hammock (see photo below).

More begging

Okay, please? Have I begged enough? Will you put your pin on the map just to make me happy? The sooner you do it, the sooner I'll quit whining!
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