La Gringa is back! | La Gringa's Blogicito

September 26, 2006

La Gringa is back!

The 'Happy Day' picture above is from Bruski Bibs. It's a baby sheet and it looks just how I feel right now.

Oh, happy day! Sometime between 40 and 46 hours after I clicked the button to switch to Blogger in Beta, my blog reappeared. Hooray! I was a nervous wreck thinking that all my hard work over the past almost three months was gone. I did a quick check and everything seems to be there and working. I'll have to check it out more later.

The reason I don't know exactly when it came back is that our power went out about 3 p.m. and didn't come back until almost 8 p.m. Jeesh, what a day.

I have to thank my good buddies, Gardener in Mexico, Central American Rhapsody, and The Southern Leap, for posting the 'public service announcements' about where to find my temporary emergency blog (which I'm keeping, by the way, just in case). If La Gringa ever disappears again, check for me at Blogicito.

Okay, back to work.

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