One good thing happened today. Well, two counting getting my blog back from "Beta hell," as Gardener in Mexico put it, but I count that as only canceling out the bad thing of losing my blog Sunday night. I was downloading some photos from the camera and found that El Jefe (the boss) had gotten some great pictures of the toucans.

This is a tree across the street from our house. All kinds of birds love this poor old tree. Ordinarily we can't get a good picture because of the foliage. This little guy was kind enough to give El Jefe a profile.

Even Ceibeños are impressed to see the toucans here because they just aren't seen that much in residential areas. Several workers from across the street gathered around to watch them. Maybe it is the no-chemical use that attracts the birds.

When our Miconia trees have berries, the toucans come almost everyday at 4 p.m., never earlier. I don't know where they go during the day, but we always see them between 4 and 5 p.m. They are creatures of habit.