La Gringa's lucky week | La Gringa's Blogicito

September 23, 2006

La Gringa's lucky week

Originally I didn't think it was a good idea to put my email address on this blog but I did it anyway. Boy, am I glad I did! I'm about to become a multi-millionaire.

On September 19, Peter West, ( peterwest_54@yahoo.com ) a former personal aide to Liberian President Charles Taylor, wrote to say that he needs La Gringa's help in moving some funds out of the country. He didn't talk numbers but he did say we are going to share the money. He even included a Spanish translation of his message − how considerate. I have only 7 days to get back to him.

The next day, Mr. Adams Mente ( adams_mente04@yahoo.com ) from the Ivory Coast of West Africa wrote to say that he wants to come to stay with La Gringa while he completes his education in my country (Honduras?). Poor boy − he's an orphan and he's going to transfer
U.S. $8.5 million to my account so I can invest it for him. He's in a bigger hurry. He's waiting for my "urgent call."

The very next day, a Kuwaiti Jordanian, Mr. Nedal Jrab ( nedaljrab1@aol.com or nedaljrabojj@aol.com ) wrote me a long email. It's a very sad story; it basically shows that money doesn't buy happiness. Since he's dying and already has given most of his property and assets away, he has only
U.S. $120 million left. He wants La Gringa to take charge and give it to charity, "setting aside 10% for your time and effort," of course. Sounds fair to me.

Coincidentally, Ali Hussein ( ali_hussein106@yahoo.com ), a businessman from Basra, Iraq, wrote to me as his "Muslim brother" the same day. Ali was a little less formal. I guess I don't have to call him 'Mr.' Well, he was a little vague but here's what he had to say:

"As you and I know about the unrest in my country, I went to use this means to apple for your help to relocate my family to your country (Honduras?) and if there is any lucretive business i can invest over there place do tell me. I just lost my wife some month ago because of the unrest here in Basra and 8months baby with me now."
The day after, Mr. Tarnue Weah ( weahtarnue01@myway.com or tarnueweah01@myway.com ) wrote from the Republic of Mauritus. He's dying, too, and his last wish is that La Gringa fund an orphanage with his U.S. $2 million, with 10% going to me to "prepare you for the task ahead," of course. He has done a thorough search on La Gringa and only needs a few details from me, then we are all set to go.

Now I'm a little worried about Peter's forgetfulness, because he sent me another email only 3 days after his first. Oh, I see now: he has changed his email address to peter58_4@walla.com and instructed me to "kindle contact me with my privet email ID" ( peterwest 4141@yahoo.fr ). Wow − his private email. I guess that Mr. Jrab thought I needed another reminder, too. It came today. He hasn't changed his email address. It's still nedaljrab1@aol.com or nedaljrabojj@aol.com .

I've also gotten three of these but I'm not sure if they need my help or not:
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I did some calculations and even if the vague gentlemen have only $1 million each, the 10% cut for me (that seems to be the going rate) adds up to
U.S. $13,250,000. At 18.90 Honduran lempiras per dollar, that will give me 250 million lempiras, all in one week. I think I'll buy La Ceiba! That's me in the picture.

(I've read that there are computer spam bots that search the entire internet for email addresses. Well, I certainly hope they don't pick up the addresses mentioned above. I'd hate for Peter and Ali and all the rest of the gang to start getting a bunch of spam.)

I did have to remove the live link to my email because I'm going to be much too busy handling all of these millions to take on any more new projects. If you want to reach me, you'll just have to type in my gmail address from the graphic in the 'About me' section or go to my profile for a clickable link. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm sure you understand. ;-D
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