La Gringa's Blogicito: September 2009

September 30, 2009

Guest blog: International Football....And Honduras is the Football

The following is a guest blog written by Daniel Dyer shortly after the return of Mel Zelaya to Honduras. Daniel was raised in Honduras, where his family still lives. He is involved with charitable projects in Honduras. One of his websites is Sovereign Honduras.

International Football....And Honduras is the Football
By Daniel Dyer

There is tension in the air in Tegucigalpa as it enjoys a forced holiday delivered in the form of a twenty-four hour national curfew. This curfew is supposed to end at 6:00 PM but it will undoubtedly be extended.

And what do we owe the curfew, the tear gas and the near panic conditions of yesterday? Nothing less than the return of the Messiah. No, I'm not referring to Obama. Honduras has its own messiah: Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales.

The rumors began yesterday around noon. Zelaya was in the United Nations building. Thousands were pouring into the streets. Caravans of supporters were coming from all over the country to show support. The rumors increased exponentially as each minute passed. Zelaya is in Nicaragua in his hotel suite. Zelaya is on his way to Washington. The United Nations finally confirmed that Zelaya was not there but that he had made contact to inform them that he was coming to Honduras. Finally Manuel's wife told a news agency that her husband was in the Brazilian embassy.

By 1:00 PM the supermarkets were filling with people buying whatever they buy when they have lost their minds, the gasoline stations full of cars, and parents pulling their children out of schools. At 3:30 PM President Micheletti informed the country that a nationwide curfew would be imposed starting at 4:00 PM. Given the fact that the government had strictly enforced previous curfews, detaining lawbreakers and confiscating vehicles, it would have been better to have given the people more time. Imagine roughly 750,000 people simultaneously clearing their desks, grabbing their car keys or climbing onto buses or taxis in the narrow inadequate streets of a major city. Total chaos. Throughout the night hundreds of “demonstrators” battled police, throwing rocks and vandalizing homes adjacent to the Brazilian embassy. Finally, at 4:30 AM the police removed them and the streets became deserted.

So how did we get here, who are the players, and what does Manuel Zelaya hope to gain? When the principle participants are lying, the media is chasing rabbit trails, and multiple agendas are being pursued, getting your mind around the true story, much less presenting it, can be a daunting task indeed.

Let's start with Zelaya. Mel is stating that he returned to Honduras by road; a fifteen hour trip that involved many risks. That's his story and he is sticking to it. Now that he is safely in the Brazilian embassy, he is declaring that his intent is to draw all of the principle parties of Honduras together in order to negotiate a harmonious democratic future for all Hondurans. If you believe that, I have some beach front property I would like to sell you in Olancho. It is impossible for Mel to negotiate this democratic future and, at the same time, uphold the constitution that he swears that he has no intention of changing. He simply has no time under the rules currently being played by. The Honduran Presidential Elections are less than 8 weeks from now. Zelaya says that no elections should be honored unless he is re-instated as president, and the constitution states that Zelaya cannot be re-elected and thus cannot be a candidate. Are we to believe that Jose Manuel Zelaya returned to Honduras, at great risk to himself, in order to be re-instated as president only to turn power over to the newly elected president less than eight weeks later? I've still got that beach front property available. Any takers?

No my friends. Mr. Zelaya has returned for one reason and one reason only: to attempt to regain the presidency and stay there until he is good and ready to leave. Given the record of the friends he has chosen to hang out with, that would be until he dies or is again forcefully removed.

The Honduran governments response to Zelaya's call for national reconciliation under his benevolent leadership, has been to petition the Brazilian embassy to turn over Mr. Zelaya to the proper Honduran authorities. There are multiple charges, some political but most criminal, that Mr. Zelaya is facing. That means that the Brazilian Embassy is harboring a Honduran fugitive from justice.

So how did Mr. Zelaya get back into Honduras anyway? And what do the Brazilians have to do with this? Everyone in the international community is acting so happily surprised at this whole affair and treating it as a wonderful opportunity for “reconciliation” and a “return to democratic rule”, as if Honduras was not under democratic rule (I feel like Winston in George Orwell's “1984”, battered under the onslaught of Newspeak: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength). Argentine President Kirchner, Insulza of the OAS, the E.U. and Hillary Clinton all expressed “surprise” at the “sudden developments” in Honduras while at the same time declaring that this was yet another opportunity for dialogue and conflict resolution.

And what would that resolution be, pray tell. The San Jose Accords? Zelaya is never going to go for that for the reason previously stated. It allows him to be in office for a whole two months. Wow. I came back to Honduras for two months in office and then I go to jail for 30 years. No Cuarta Urna. No Constituyente. Just two months to play President. Does anyone in their right mind believe that Zelaya came back for that? That means that the “dialogue” and “conflict resolution” that everyone in the international community is calling for and hoping for is just one thing: return Jose Manuel Zelaya to power. Period.

So how did Manuel Zelaya return to Honduras and who paved the way? I predicted about a month ago that the U.S. would lose interest in Zelaya and this whole nasty ordeal would blow over. I believed that economic and political relationships would slowly, but surely, be restored after the elections, and Honduras would begin to move forward. In fact, there was a time when Zelaya had truly lost momentum. Even Chavez expressed doubts as to Mel's ability to return to power. But, to my surprise, Zelaya continued to be received at the U.S. State Department, and have meetings with high level officials. He remained irritatingly successful at holding the attention of Hillary and company. This was warning sign number one. Warning sign number two was when the U.S. cut even more aid to Honduras.

Warning sign number three was about a week ago when the El Salvador Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hugo Martinez, spoke with U.S. Undersecretary of Political Affairs for the Western Hemisphere Bisa Williams about the need to adopt “specific measures in the diplomatic realm to cause the Honduran Government to accept the San Jose Accord.” These measures were to be “surgical” and not effect the Honduran people. It is also worthy to note that Bisa Williams is the head of the U.S. office of Cuban Affairs. Last time I checked, Cuba is not anywhere near El Salvador or Honduras.

Then, on Sunday night, September 20th at ten o'clock, a Venezuelan jet coming from Nicaragua made an unauthorized landing at the international airport in San Salvador. On that aircraft was Jose Manuel Zelaya. There, he held a meeting with Sigfrido Reyes, the head of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN). The FMLN is a Salvadorean Socialist political party similar to the Sandinista Party of Nicaragua, headed by now Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega (both were communist guerrilla organizations that later morphed into political parties). After the meeting Zelaya boarded the jet and left El Salvador. Six hours later he appears in the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

So, how did Zelaya get to the Brazilian Embassy? In addition to the obvious risks, the time-line simply doesn't work out for him to have traveled by car. The only way Mel could have entered Honduras was by airplane and there are only four (five if you count Roatan) airstrips in the country that the Venezuelan jet could land on: LaCeiba, San Pedro Sula, Tegucigalpa and Palmerola Air force Base in Comayagua. Although not outside the realm of possibility, it is highly unlikely that the plane landed at any of the International Airports. The only strip in the country that could handle that plane, is close to Tegucigalpa (1 hour driving time), AND provide the secrecy needed to make this late night insertion, is Palmerola. And guess who would have had to have knowledge of, and give permission, for that airplane to land? Well that would the people that both run and control the base of course: The United States of America.

I cant prove Zelaya landed at Palmarola but we do know he was in San Salvador at 10:00 PM and we do know he left in a Venezuelan jet. He landed somewhere and that somewhere was in Honduras. He simply couldn't get to Tegucigalpa any other way and have the time-line work out.

So we have Manuel Zelaya coming from Nicaragua, on a Venezuelan jet, for a late night visit to El Salvador (whose Foreign Affairs Minister is coordinating with a U.S. Undersecretary in charge of Cuban affairs), maybe landing at a U.S. Air force base in Honduras, and staying in a Brazilian Embassy to the amazement and delight of the entire international community. Who needs fiction when real life is this crazy.

So if this is how it happened, the question is why? Even if it didn't happen just this way the question is still why?

I must admit, I underestimated the importance that the U.S., ALBA, the OAS, and others placed on the events that took place in this tiny country. We really ticked off a lot of people when we had the audacity to correctly use the balance of powers in order to maintain a stable democracy and independent rule. I saw the clues but I didn't place them in proper context because I didn't appreciate the resolve and coordination of the international community in supporting socialism and destroying sovereignty and independent determination of individual nations. I knew that the agenda was part of a larger global attack on sovereignty but I thought we had won this round. I was wrong.

No matter how this turns out for Honduras, the will and coordination of the international community in this affair (with the U.S. as the principle coordinator) is beyond what I imagined. Chavez is being used as a powerful pawn in a high level game. In many respects Chavez is like an unruly older boy whose rich daddy has bought him a lot of cool toys. You hate the way he acts but you put up with him so that you can play with the toys. His agenda, to a certain extent, meshes with the plans of the international community but, unlike the other players, he wants to be the biggest leader in the sandbox, crudely wielding oil and rhetoric to achieve regional influence.

This is not where Obama and company are going. They desire a sandbox where all of the players are equal, there is no sovereignty, no self determination of country, and all beholden to the collective opinions and desires of the others. The unpardonable sin of Honduras was not the removal of Zelaya from office in his pajamas. The sin was respecting and enforcing the constitution of their country. The sin was placing the constitution and the sovereignty built thereon above the collective opinion and desires of the international community.

Obama, Hillary, Insulza, Chavez, and the rest of the OAS thought that Honduras would fold to threats of expulsion from this mini United Nations. They were wrong. They thought economic sanctions would work. They were wrong. They thought they would negotiate Zelaya back in. They were wrong. Now, with 8 weeks until the elections, they have surgically implanted their puppet into the country to force the issue before it is too late.

September 29, 2009

It wasn't a coup, but there was a misdelivery

It wasn't a coup
and why our opinion doesn't matter

The highly regarded, non-partisan (US) Library of Congress, after thoroughly analyzing the Honduran constitution, related laws, and the judicial and congressional documents, concluded:

"The Supreme Court of Honduras has constitutional and statutory authority to hear cases against the President of the Republic and many other high officers of the State, to adjudicate and enforce judgments, and to request the assistance of the public forces to enforce its rulings."

The report also decided that "the removal of President Zelaya from the country by the military is in direct violation of the Article 102 of the Constitution, and apparently this action is currently under investigation by the Honduran authorities." More on that in another article.

As a result, US Congressman Aaron Shock released the Library of Congress report to the public and issued a statement which said, in part:

“The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service concluded that the removal of former President Zelaya was Constitutional, and we must respect that. It’s unconscionable that our Administration would attempt to force Honduras to violate its own Constitution by cutting off foreign aid.”

It seems a favorite pastime for many to analyze and opine on whether or not Zelaya's removal was constitutional. Everybody has an opinion and is convinced that their opinion is the only correct one and that their legal experts are more authoritative than those of the other side. I can present my case and parade my list of legal experts' opinions just as you can. But it really doesn't matter what we or our chosen experts think.

The thing is...your or my opinion doesn't matter any more than your or my opinion on, say, Roe vs. Wade (the US Supreme Court decision on abortion).

I use this as an example only because it has been such a controversial decision for the past 36 years. Regardless of other legal, personal, medical, or religious opinions on abortion, the only opinion that matters in that case is the US Supreme Court. The majority of the Justices court decided, and now that is the law of the land, for everyone to live with.

Two of those nine justices strongly dissented. Justice White said, "I find nothing in the language or history of the Constitution to support the Court's judgment." Nine of presumably the greatest legal minds of the United States of America could not come to the same conclusion on the appropriateness of the court's decision so it is obvious that mere mortals such as you and I may not be able to agree on that decision.

Various US presidents since then may have agreed or disagreed with the decision, but their opinions don't matter either − and neither did they try to issue a presidential decree to overrule the Supreme Court decision. The opinions of US Congressmen do not matter either because interpreting the constitution is the responsibility of the Supreme Court, not the congress or President, not the citizens, and certain not the UN, OAS, EU, or other countries of the world. So abortion is legal in the USA, even though hundreds of millions of people all over the world strongly disagree.

Similarly, in the case of removing Manuel Zelaya from the office of the President of the Republic of Honduras, the Honduran Supreme Court, based on the Honduran Constitution, decided that there was sufficient grounds to remove him − and not just a majority of the justices but all 15 judges unanimously agreed. There were no dissenting opinions. So, whatever you, I, the UN, OAS, EU, or Hugo Chávez thinks really doesn't matter.

As pointed out in this Forbes article, the OAS is being hypocritical by trying to apply a double standard:

"If the Honduran Constitution was good enough to allow the country to be a member of the OAS in the first place, even with its strict prohibition of multiple presidential terms, then it can not be un-constitutional for the courts and legislature to enforce it according to what it stipulates. OAS and world "diplomats" can't have it both ways, professing their unshakable dedication to constitutions and the rule of law even as they make a hero of a country's No. 1 lawbreaker and press sanctions on a government that enforces its own Constitution as its legal leaders decide, irrespective of whether foreigners approve."

The article discusses the perilous precedent that is being set (not that any country could remove its leader, but that any country cannot) and goes on to state:

"In their own as well as Honduran interests, this is the hour for moderate American nations to take back control of the OAS from the radicals and to accept any resolution that is made by Hondurans for Hondurans."

The author, William Ratliff, concludes:
"The bottom line question is whether the truth, the rule of law, democracy and national sovereignty really mean anything or whether those are just the slogans and manipulative tools of self-aggrandizing politicians and analysts."

September 27, 2009

USA intervenes in the sovereign nation of Honduras

He's no Kennedy

It was just announced on the news that US Ambassador Hugo Llorens is assisting ex-president Mel Zelaya to set up a parallel government led by Zelaya within Honduras. They showed Llorens big toothy grinning face over and over again.

Have the United States of America led by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lost their minds?

Are they trying to start a war in Honduras?

Are they going to assist Zelaya in accessing the $165 million in international aid funds to finance his revolution of violent supporters?

This is foreign intervention in a sovereign country by the no longer great United States of America, who is still the great bully of the world − except where it is needed.
The difference now is that at least in the past, the US stood up for its allies.

I hope all the countries who stood by and let this happen never have to face this in their own country.

Tegucigalpa is bracing for violence

Mel Zelaya
Photo: El Heraldo, Honduras

Former president Mel Zelaya is calling for his supporters to come to Tegucigalpa from all over the country for a huge protest on Monday, September 28. He supposedly is asking for a peaceful protest to call for dialogue − at least that is what he says publicly to the media.

This call for dialogue is a 'show' for the OAS delegates who may arrive this week and the international community, which seems to readily 'buy' whatever story Zelaya is selling, no matter how outrageous or ridiculous.

However, talking directly to his followers and through his 'sub-commanders,' a much different message is sent. There is much talk on various resistance websites and blogs about violence, weapons, and assassinations. Reportedly, gangs have infiltrated the zelayistas' marches. Zelaya continues to incite his followers with chants of "Restitution or Death!", "Out with the golpistas", and tells them to "maintain the battle" on daily local radio and television interviews.

Zelaya has been offered dialogue. The presidential candidates talked with him. A representative of Micheletti has talked with him. But it seems that the only thing he wants is to return as President and continue with the constitutional assembly without any regard for what he is doing to this country or for the San José Accord which specifically prohibits the constitutional assembly. Zelaya does not care if the country is destroyed in the process. He refuses to consider or talk about anything else. Micheletti has offered several times to resign if Zelaya would do the same − in the interests of the country − but Zelaya will not consider that proposal.

Despite demands during the week from Brazil, the US, Oscar Arias, the OAS, and several other member countries of the UN, Zelaya renewed his call for insurrection on Friday, September 25.
"We urge the resistance to maintain the battle until together, people and president, we achieve the constitutional reforms and the fall of the usurpers," Zelaya said.

"No pardon or forgetting! Death to the coup leaders!" shouted some of his followers in response.

Even more ominous, the well rewarded pro-Zelaya Radio Globo is today touting tomorrow as the "final offensive".

If more people die in the days and weeks to come, then we know who to blame.

Update 9:15 p.m.: AP reports that Zelaya is now calling for the protest, on the three-month anniversary of his ouster, to demand his reinstatement. AP also confirms "the final offensive" comment I made above.

Honduran President Micheletti has responded with a national cadena (radio and television announcement) prohibiting any public demonstrations without prior permission. It is a wise move to prevent violence and protect life and property, but mark my words: he will be damned by the human rights groups for doing this.

Zelayistas censor Facebook

Facebook = CIA = GolpistasFacebook = CIA = Golpistas

Zelayistas are somehow able to get anti-Zelaya information censored on Facebook by reporting it as abusive. Before you think that I'm paranoid, just try to post any of these links in Facebook. And note also that there is nothing nothing sexual, violent, or abusive about any of these links.

Zelaya's family on jetSome of this information includes photos of Zelaya's adult children and family members sipping champagne while wearing Rolex watches while they travel to the US and Europe in the Honduran government's private jet. This is just one of those photos. You can find many more on Facebook − for now anyway.

Another document which cannot be shown on Facebook is the alleged college grade report of Manuel Zelaya. You can find that here. The second to the last column 'Notas' means grades. Needless to say, the grades are pathetic. If true, Zelaya took Mathematics II four times before he was able to pass it, which definitely helps to explain the minimum wage increase which helped to bankrupt the government budget. Hat tip to Luís Matute of El Jampedrano blog.

Most recently Facebook blocked a video interview of a friend of witnesses to the murder of Honduran PINU Congressional candidate Marco Antonio Canales Villatoro. She states that the men who killed him were members of the resistance who pointed him out as he came out of a church with his wife and 10-year-old daughter. You can see that interview below or at YouTube (in Spanish):

What is most incredible about this is that though the victim was apparently targeted by the resistencia, the disinformation media is reporting that he was part of the resistance and making their followers believe that he was killed by the Micheletti government.

I heard this myself: When a woman called channel 36 yesterday to report that he was killed by the resistance not the government, her call was immediately cut off with a chastizing lecture by the host that "we can't get into speculation about who did it until it is verified", though this same media source has reported hundreds, if not thousands, of rumors and false claims, specifically to incite its followers.

September 26, 2009

Citizens' demand concerning the Honduran elections

September 24 demonstration before the UN offices in Tegucigalpa.
Some 20,000 people came to peacefully say
"Yes to autodetermination, no to intervention"

(Check Honduran newspapers here, here, here, and here for photos and stories,
here and here for videos, because it was NOT covered

by CNN or the international media which is here in Tegucigalpa now.)

Tegucigalpa, M.C.D. 23rd of September 2009. The Democratic Civic Union (CDU), convinced that the elections which will take place the coming 29th of November represent the consolidation of our democratic system and the solution to the current political crisis, proposes the following Citizens' Demand.

1. The UCD based upon the certainty of the current Electoral Process calls all citizens:

a. To become Guardians of Democracy to guaranty beyond any doubt before all and sundry the electoral outcome.

b. To do their duty and exercise their voting right to transform Honduras into a prosperous, just and fair nation.

2. The Presidential Candidates are aware of their historical responsibility and are urged:

a. To fulfill the citizens´ expectations, heeding their requests and making responsible proposals.

b. To use their leadership to motivate the population to a massive participation in the coming general elections.

3. The Supreme Electoral Tribunal which has the public recognition for its efficiency and trustworthiness, it is urged:

a. To continue asserting its independence and impartiality through permanent accountability to consolidate their credibility.

b. To make all required arrangements to allow national and international observers to verify the veracity of the electoral results.

4. With strong support for the activities contained in the law of the Public Ministry and the Judicial Power we request

a. To move expeditiously in prosecuting Electoral Fraud.

b. To act with all the rigor of the law against those who attempt against democracy by calling for abstention in the elections and other delinquent conduct adverse to the freedom to elect and be elected.

5. To the International Community, with our characteristic compliance with International Law, we urge:

a. To respect and to make others respect the principles of NO foreign intervention in the internal matters of our country and in the self-determination of our people.

b. To recognize the elected authorities through the civic celebration this coming 29th of November as a result of a legitimate electoral process in the totality of its stages.

For a free, prosperous and democratic Honduras.


CDU-Civic Democratic Union is a coalition representing a great majority of organizations, groups and associations of the Honduran Civil Society. In the name of the Civil Society, the CDU is the guardian of democracy and performs its permanent role of surveillance over the political, economic and social development of Honduras.

For more information visit: www.ucdhonduras.com

September 25, 2009

Waging war against democracy

Listen to what Newt Gingrich says, please, even if you are a Democrat! Cover your ears for the first 20 seconds if you must, but listen to the rest.

Some of the other groups applauding the moves against democracy in Honduras are:

Socialist Worker Org.
Communist Party USA
Socialist Unity (England)
Socialist Alliance (Australia)
FARC (Colombia)

This week the UN decided to withhold election assistance for Honduras' November elections.

The IMF decided to wait for Zelaya's corrupt government to disburse the $163 million. I hope there is no way that he can access International Monetary Funds to finance a revolution.

All Honduras wants is to stop the international interference that is causing so much trouble here and to leave them in peace. Honduras will have its elections in November. Is it too much to ask to let Hondurans elect their next president? Must the citizens be punished by the international community?

What is the plan if the world doesn't recognize elections?

Is the US going to pick a triumvirate for them?

That is not democracy. That is colonialism.

September 24, 2009

The lighter side of Mel

Maybe the radiation is coming from his cell phone

I'm exhausted from that last post and I know that you are exhausted from reading it, but I just had to share the lighter side of Mel with you:

Miami Herald: They're torturing me, Zelaya claims

Honduras' fallen leader told The Miami Herald he is being subjected to mind-altering gas and radiation − and that 'Israeli mercenaries' are planning to assassinate him.

It's been 89 days since Manuel Zelaya was booted from power. He's sleeping on chairs, and he claims his throat is sore from toxic gases and "Israeli mercenaries'' are torturing him with high-frequency radiation.

"We are being threatened with death,'' he said in an interview with The Miami Herald, adding that mercenaries were likely to storm the embassy where he has been holed up since Monday and assassinate him.

"I prefer to march on my feet than to live on my knees before a military dictatorship,'' Zelaya said in a series of back-to-back interviews.

Please read the rest of the article here.

I have a feeling that his pal Hugo was busy at the UN today and not around to advise him on what to say. He must be listening to Patty Rodas again. Big mistake.

When I read this article, I immediately looked for an OAS press release demanding that the "de facto regime stop using mind-altering gases and radiation on the constitutional president of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales", but could not find one.

He must be feeling lonely as most of his supporters voluntarily requested to be evacuated from the Brazilian Embassy − which they were, but only under the supervision of the Attorney General's office, transported by the US Embassy, and after being reviewed by a doctor so there could be no false claims of abuse. There was talk that he may be moving to more comfortable quarters at the US Embassy, but the US State Department has now denied that.

It could be worse. He could be staying here, one of the many places his peaceful followers attacked today. No toothpaste here either:

I tell you, there are times that I actually miss Mel Zelaya. We used to watch his propaganda on the government channel just for fun. He is an amazing guy. He never fails to underestimate the intelligence of his listeners.

September 23, 2009

Zelaya comes to Honduras and violence follows

Zelaya sleeps safely while his followers rob and vandalize Tegucigalpa

After several weeks of relative peace and calm in Honduras − and no curfews, despite what the international media consistently misreports − former president Mel Zelaya returned to Honduras Monday and instigated violence again.

Virtually every private car in the area of the Brazilian Embassy where Zelaya is hiding was damaged by breaking out some or all of the windows and ruining the tires. Ironically, Mel Zelaya's own mother's car was parked on the street and was likewise vandalized.

Private homes in the area were broken into and robbed. Citizens were assaulted. Death threats were sprayed unto neighbors' walls. Mountains of trash were strewn in the streets.

At least one woman's house was completely ransacked, robbed, and her two employees were terrorized. The Zelayistas smoked marijuana as they destroyed and smashed everything in her house up to and including the ceilings, doors, and windows − the video of her home shown on the news was horrifying. Other neighbors were terrorized, assaulted, threatened with rape, and forced to prepare food by the rioters while they were being robbed. Numerous citizens called the police about home invasions.

This video shows the above mentioned woman's angry reaction to the violation. She holds Mel Zelaya, the Brazilian Embassy, and Brazilian President Lula directly responsible. She also demands that Human Rights organizations and Washington answer whether she has any human rights. The woman happens to be a journalist for Maya TV.

Damage was not limited to that area. Roads were blocked. Tires were burned.

This police vehicle was burned. At least one bus was vandalized. Banks, businesses, and government offices were similarly vandalized and robbed. Employees of one fast food restaurant were threatened by Zelayistas with burning the building down with them inside.

Stores were destroyed and robbed of everything, up to and including refrigerators, washers, dryers, and computers. A bank branch was robbed of L. 500,000.

The security doors for Dispensa Familiar were torn down and the store was sacked of everything from groceries to televisions. Anything that wasn't stolen was destroyed. This photo shows just one example of the result of Zelaya's 'peaceful' demonstrations.

The vandalism was pre-meditated. The rioters somehow bring huge loads of rocks with them. Mainstream media calls them 'stones', but in some cases they used concrete street pavers, which are about 6x6x3 inches (15x15x8 cm.). Many of the rioters were carrying long bats. Two police officers were injured. In one area protesters were shooting guns.

Media Coverage

Did you read or see any of this in your favorite media? Or were you told only about "military oppression" and repressive curfews? Reuters and many other international media sources are here in Tegucigalpa, but only give a passing mention, if at all, to the reality of what the protesters have done.

I did see some evidence of excessive force by a very few police officers on the news, and yes, I watch all of the stations, including the pro-Zelaya stations. But I saw 100 times more evidence of violence on the part of the Zelayistas.

I also saw that those arrested were taken to the stadium − a very good move on the part of the security forces, in my opinion. Everyone is out in the open, the media are apparently there (since it was on the news), and there can be no credible charges of secret beatings, torture, or clandestine prison camps. Curfew violators were held for six hours and then released to satisfy the human rights organizations.

World demands

The OAS and several other governments immediately issued statements demanding the guarantee of protection of Mel Zelaya and the Brazilian Embassy on Monday. How could Honduras possibly guarantee their safety when the area is surrounded by (they say) 3,000 angry protesters, many of them armed?

So the government called a curfew and the police and military tried to remove the protesters from the area. When the protesters became violent, destructive, attacked the police, and refused to leave the area, the police used tear gas and water cannons. What else could they do? There were some injuries, including police injured by rocks, but no deaths or thousands of injuries, despite what Zelaya falsely reported to his followers.

Then what happened? The OAS's human rights organization (IACHR) issues this statement, demanding that the "de facto government .... respect public demonstrations and the right to freedom of expression".

Public demonstrations have been allowed and have been occurring these past months as long as they do not infringe on the rights of innocent citizens, and often even when they do. But allowing criminals to destroy, rob, assault other citizens, and vandalize private property is not a human right in any country, is it?

The decent, law-abiding people of Honduras are sick and tired of having their rights abused by protesters, their property damaged or destroyed, and their means of making a living destroyed by those who apparently have an unending income from some unknown source.

Zelaya's plans

This chaos is exactly what Mel Zelaya wanted. It seems clear that he is willing to sacrifice the lives of his followers to get want he wants − while he takes a nap in the Brazilian Embassy.

The point of all this? To show the world a distorted view of oppression that doesn't exist. He has been quite successful, especially with the help of Chávez's Telesur and CNN (Español) TV coverage. Honduras cannot live under anarchy to appease a small minority lead by few professional protesters and agitators who do not and never had the interests of their people in mind.

Six months ago, many of these same "leaders" were protesting against Mel Zelaya, now they are protesting against Roberto Micheletti, and no doubt a year from now, they will be protesting against the next government, no matter who that might be. This is what they do. It is what they have always done, it is how they make their living, and very rarely does anything constructive for the people they represent
ever occur though those same leaders seem to grow richer and richer.

What does Zelaya hope to accomplish? So far, he has been very successful in making the world's leaders believe that he is the only savior for Honduras, that his restoration to office is more important than any other laws or the future of the country. It appears that he hopes to show that Honduras is ungovernable (he has actually used those words several times) and that the world must intervene by whatever means to reappoint him to power. He continually asks for sanctions which will harm the people of Honduras.

What Mel actually accomplished was to show the world that the right decision was made on June 28 in removing him from the country. He is a destructive force, intent on dividing the population and ruling the country by mob force. Powered by the clout of the UN, OAS, US, and EU, the interference of socialist organizations from North and South America and Europe, and funded by Chávez and/or narco money, how can he lose? The world is a very slow learner when it comes to discovering the dangers of the real Mel Zelaya of which the Honduran government was well aware on June 28.

The real Mel Zelaya

Zelaya speaks to reporters of peace and dialogue, the blood of Christ, the sacrifices he is willing to make, including his life, he says. What he says to his followers is an entirely different thing and it is virtually never reported by any mainstream media.

Monday he had the crowd, which initially was peaceful, whipped into a frenzy while he screamed "Out with all the dictators! Out! Out! Restitution or death!" In the past, he has made declarations saying that they (the golpistas − coupsters) don't deserve to live, that they should be put in jail for the rest of their lives, that the people have a right to disobey laws of "the usurpers", and many other statements designed to incite violence and anarchy.

Before you judge Honduras on how they handled the situation on June 28, please ask yourself if these are the people that you would like to be in charge in your own country?

"Peaceful" protester covers his face and carries a pitchfork.

Even kids get involved because, well, it's fun.

Note the look of glee.

The population of Honduras is over 7.5 million. This is not a civil war. This is anarchy by a few thousand violent criminals being emboldened by the words of the former president, Hugo Chávez and his lackey sympathizers, the US, the OAS, the Europen Union, and the UN. That is a pretty formidable crowd for this little and very poor country to stand up to, but they have stood firm and consistent for almost three months precisely because they are standing up for the freedom and democracy of their country.

If you wouldn't want this to happen in your country, please help Honduras by contacting your government representatives and asking them not to interfere in Honduras. If you have contacted them before, please do it again. Honduras desperately needs your help to prevent international intervention.

September 22, 2009

Micheletti speaks, Arias, Clinton, and Insulta speak, and the people speak

This is a video of the speech that The Constitutional President of the Republic of Honduras Roberto Micheletti made yesterday afternoon to reassure the population (in Spanish). Carlos did a transcript translated to English on Let's Get it Right.


Oscar Arias and Hillary Clinton discussed yesterday's events in Honduras. Secretary Clinton mentions that the US warned both sides about violence. Unfortunately, Oscar Arias is in a complete dream world. Notice that he mentions several times what a great opportunity this is to put more pressure on Honduras. That is our neutral mediator. Haha.

Please, both of you, stop talking as if you are speaking for the people of Honduras. Neither of you have bothered to listen to the people of Honduras. You listened to and are speaking on behalf of Mel Zelaya. You are speaking on behalf of a corrupt president, mob rule, and a paid mob at that.


Here is what the people of Honduras said tonight (note, usually 2,000-4,000 vote on a normal night):

Will the presence of ex-president Zelaya in Honduras help to solve the political crisis? Yes = 3,496 (15%); No = 19,187 (85%)


OAS made the usual speech:
The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) passed Monday a Declaration in which the organization “calls for the immediate signing of the San José Agreement”, demands full guarantees to ensure the life and physical integrity of President José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, and supports the initiatives undertaken by the Secretary General José Miguel Insulza to facilitate dialogue and restoration of the constitutional order in Honduras....

Blah. blah. blah.

....At the same time, the Declaration “demands full guarantees from the de facto authorities in order to ensure the life and physical integrity of President Zelaya and a treatment consistent with his high office, as well as his return to the Presidency of the Republic in accordance with the resolution of the General Assembly”.

Finally, the Council “calls on all sectors of Honduran society to act responsibly and prudently, avoiding any acts that could lead to violence and hinder the national reconciliation so desired by the Honduran people and the Hemisphere as a whole.”

Sounds familiar. I think I remember that from June 28, June 29, and a couple of other times. No doubt the UN will repeat it in a day or two. So you think Honduras broke its constitution so you are insisting that it break its constitution as punishment. Yawn.


Here is your chance to speak your mind. A Univision poll asks: After the return of Zelaya, Honduras should....? As I last saw it, the results showed that 61% of the respondents believe that Mel should be jailed. [Google translation]

Do you think that corrupt presidents should be above the law?

September 21, 2009

Washington Post: Moving Forward in Honduras

Constitutional President of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti

Washington Post
By Roberto Micheletti
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My country is in an unusual position this week. Former president Manuel Zelaya has surreptitiously returned to Honduras, still claiming to be the country's legitimate leader, despite the fact that a constitutional succession took place on June 28. Amid all of the claims that are likely to be made in coming days, the former president will not mention that the people of Honduras have moved on since the events of that day or that our citizens are looking forward to free, fair and transparent elections on Nov. 29.

The international community has wrongfully condemned the events of June 28 and mistakenly labeled our country as undemocratic. I must respectfully disagree. As the true story slowly emerges, there is a growing sense that what happened in Honduras that day was not without merit. On June 28, the Honduran Supreme Court issued an arrest warrant for Zelaya for his blatant violations of our constitution, which marked the end of his presidency. To this day, an overwhelming majority of Hondurans support the actions that ensured the respect of the rule of law in our country.

Underlying all the rhetoric about a military overthrow are facts. Simply put, coups do not leave civilians in control over the armed forces, as is the case in Honduras today. Neither do they allow the independent functioning of democratic institutions − the courts, the attorney general's office, the electoral tribunal. Nor do they maintain a respect for the separation of powers. In Honduras, the judicial, legislative and executive branches are all fully functioning and led by civilian authorities.

Coups do not allow freedom of assembly, either. They do not guarantee freedom of the press, much less a respect for human rights. In Honduras, these freedoms remain intact and vibrant. And on Nov. 29 our country plans to hold the ultimate civic exercise of any democracy: a free and open presidential election.

Although much of the international community disagrees with our past actions, we can all agree on the necessity of ensuring Honduras's full commitment to the electoral process. Our citizens believe that the upcoming presidential election is the best way to guarantee peace and democracy. While the election will take place in little more than 60 days, the electoral process has been underway for some time. The election is being convened by an autonomous body, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, whose magistrates were selected by Congress in early 2009 and ratified by then-President Zelaya. The autonomous body began the electoral process with presidential primary elections − which were supervised by the Organization of American States − in 2008 also during Zelaya's tenure. The upcoming election will include Honduras's first independent presidential candidate − a rarity in all of Latin America.

The winner of the November election will take office as president of Honduras in January 2010. At that moment my transitional administration will cease, and the newly sworn-in president will hold all the authority vested to him by our country's constitution.

Our whole country − whether members of political parties, youths, students or members of civil society, government, parental organizations or private businesses − is committed to guaranteeing transparent elections. Voter turnout will be a constitutional expression of self-determination and a demonstration of national sovereignty. The Supreme Electoral Tribunal has invited independent observers from around the globe to observe our voting process. Our country is open to the world. All organizations − churches, universities, think tanks, nongovernmental organizations − that wish to witness firsthand this great exercise of self-determination and democracy are welcome.

We are, of course, disappointed with the position of the United States and the European Union, both longtime friends. We look forward to continuing dialogue with the United States, the European Union and the rest of the international community to prove our commitment to democracy and the Honduran people's love of freedom. Coercive action directed at our nation will only harm less fortunate Hondurans, whose hospitals, schools, roads and other institutions rely greatly on our friends' generous assistance, for which all of our citizens are immensely grateful.

I have said from the moment I was sworn in as president of Honduras that I do not intend to remain in office one second more than what our constitution mandates. On Jan. 27 I will hand over leadership responsibilities to the ninth president of our 27-year-old democracy. Such actions are in keeping with the desire of the majority of our people: the strengthening of our democracy.

The writer is president of Honduras.

Zelaya's interesting timing

So sad that these poor people believe that Mel will help them

Interesting timing, that return of Mel Zelaya to Honduras today.

Has anyone outside of Honduras reported that just yesterday it was reported finding 77 bank accounts in the names of relatives of Mel Zelaya, some in the millions of dollars? The accounts are located in the US, middle east, and other countries.

Funded by government funds? Bribes? Chávez money? Narco money?

AP? Reuters? CNN? NY Times? Anyone?

Yeah, it was a rhetorical question. I didn't think so.

[Google translation of the above El Heraldo article]

Zelaya says he is in Honduras

Mel Zelaya

Chávez's Venezuelan Telesur TV reported this morning that Mel Zelaya had returned to Tegucigalpa, Honduras. In an interview on a local television channel (voice only, no video), Zelaya would not disclose his location but said that he will be giving a press conference from the Honduran UN office shortly − at least he implied it was the Honduran UN office, but perhaps he meant the NY UN office.

Zelayistas swarmed to the UN office. UN officials denied the presence of Zelaya in their offices. The Zelayistas left for an undisclosed location. Later it was reported that he was at the Brazilian Embassy. That, too, was denied. (I am reminded of that Where is Waldo? game.)

President Micheletti said that this is another example of media terrorism by a television station that spreads lies practically 24 hours per day in an effort to destabilize the country. He added that there is a jail cell awaiting Zelaya when he returns. The Armed Forces announced that they have information that Zelaya is in the US. Another official said this is just another of a long list of lies that Zelaya has used to manipulate his humble followers.

Followers are now getting violent (as shown on the news), carrying bats, and have reportedly attacked some police officers. (Zelaya: mission accomplished. I hope you are proud. Now you have a nice show for the UN meeting.)

Also being rumored is that President Micheletti had been kidnapped. However, Micheletti has been shown live on the noon news, and Zelaya has not.

It seems very doubtful to me that Zelaya would miss another international media opportunity at the UN meeting in the US this week.

Local online newspaper servers are overloaded again. Here is an AP report.

Update: Now the US State Department is saying he is here.

Update 1:00 p.m.: Now the Brazilian Embassy says he is there. Micheletti says that the Armed Forces are ready to arrest him. (television news)

Update 1:12 p.m.: El Tiempo reported earlier that former Minister of the Presidency Enrique Flores stated that Zelaya was returned "thanks to a coordinated international operative".

Update 1:27 p.m.: Zelaya is in a telephone interview with CNN (Español) right now. Not giving details about who helped him to get there. Other reports are that he was assisted by "international forces."

Update 1:43 p.m.: BBC News quotes "Guatemala's President Alvaro Colom also said Mr Zelaya was in the Tegucigalpa, saying it was "the end of the political crisis" in the country." It is more likely the beginning of more violence. Does no one outside of Honduras realize that Zelaya is the center of all division in Honduras? BBC includes this photo from inside the Brazilian Embassy.

Update 1:50 p.m.: Zelaya announced that José Insulza (OAS) and a UN commission would arrive tomorrow. Update: But Insulza is scheduled for full days at the UN meeting tomorrow and Wednesday.

Update 1:57 p.m.: This part of the AP article is too good not to repeat:
But Zelaya, who said he would hold a news conference Monday afternoon in Tegucigalpa, told the television station that he had "evaded a thousand obstacles" to return. And his staunch supporter, leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, described the journey: "President Manuel Zelaya, along with four companions, traveled for two days overland, crossing mountains and rivers, risking their lives. They have made it to Honduras."

Update: 2:11 p.m.: Organization of American States (OAS) is calling a special session for this evening. Google translation of Proceso Digital article reporting Zelaya's comments. He is here to "start the peaceful dialogue." But, just in case, he has asked his followers to surround the Brazilian Embassy. Supposedly an interview will be given on Telesur this afternoon. I can't access it online. The site is overloaded.

Update 3:11 p.m.: Zelaya is reckless and dangerous. Shows he was never serious about the San José Accord -- Connie Mack in a press release.

Update 3:23 p.m.: Head of the Honduran Armed Forces Romero Vásquez Velásquez ratified today his support for the government of Roberto Micheletti. - El Heraldo

Update 3:33 p.m.: Government just announced a curfew starting at 4 p.m. today until 7 a.m. tomorrow for the safety of citizens.

Update 4:27 p.m.: So much for Mel's "peaceful dialogue." Mel is on television screaming to a rabid crowd, "Fuera de los de la dictadura! Fuera! Fuera!" ("Out with those of the dictatorship! Out! Out!") The crowd is still there despite the curfew. No military or police in view. He is speaking from the roof of the Brazilian Embassy.

Update 5:15 p.m.: President Micheletti just gave a televised speech to the public reassuring everyone that calm, law, and order prevail in the country and the return of Zelaya will not change that. Constitutional order will continue in Honduras. He said that Zelaya is here to try to sabotage elections and that he must be judged for his crimes. He asked the Brazilian Embassy to turn over former president Zelaya to authorities.

La Prensa just posted that the Nicaraguan Ambassador stated to the UN that Zelaya does not accept the San José Accord.

Thank you Panamá and Mary O'Grady

Panamá has stated that it will recognize the results of the Honduran elections as long as they are transparent and part of a national dialogue. Panamá is one of the few countries who have maintained contact with the current government.

"We make a call to all the sectors to see in the elections an exit to the actual situation and among those sectors to which we make this call we include the constitutional president, President Zelaya" said the Panamanian Vice President, Juan Carlos Varela.

He also stated that support for the Honduran elections is something that Panamanian President Martinelli will include in his speech before the UN next week.

Finally, a friend stands up for Honduras.


Mary O'Grady of the Wall Street Journal wrote another of several excellent articles she has written regarding Honduras. She notes that the US Congressional Research Service, in August 2009, wrote:
"The Supreme Court of Honduras has constitutional and statutory authority to hear cases against the President of the Republic and many other high officers of the State, to adjudicate and enforce judgments, and to request the assistance of the public forces to enforce its rulings."

Well, hallelujah. Can it be? Can the Supreme Court of Honduras actually have a right to decide on constitutional issues of Honduras without the blessing of the United States of America? Odd as it may seem to the US State Department, apparently the Congressional Research Service thinks so, though the report was in August and we have only seen worsening of the US's attitude toward Honduras.

Additionally, note that the report also specifies that the court has the authority to "request the assistance of the public forces to enforce its rulings." I told you so.

Ms. O'Grady also points out a very troublesome aspect of the US position:

"Hondurans are worried about what this pressure is doing to their country. Mr. Zelaya's violent supporters are emboldened by the U.S. position."

With the US condemning the Honduran president, congress, and court, and telling Honduras that we have "to restore democracy" to "get ourselves out of this box", is it any wonder that the resistencia continues with its disruptive and sometimes violent actions?

The opinion of the US is respected in Honduras − or more accurately: was respected. Not so much anymore, by either side. Secretary Clinton spoke of the division in the country, but she and others who jumped to condemn Honduras without analyzing the facts and continue to do so for three months are responsible for deepening that division.

It's time for Obama to come down and have a beer with Micheletti.

Please the entire WSJ article Hillary's Honduras Obsession. It's a must read.
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