After 24 hours of rain, we have had a cold front move in. It's been cloudy and dark. Right now, at 1:00 in the afternoon, it is 77°F (25°C) with 93% humidity.

I used to laugh at these frente frios (cold fronts) but I guess my blood has thinned because it feels positively cold. Brrrr! I have on sweat pants and am wearing socks with my flip-flops. If you think I'm bad, the water man just showed up wearing a heavy down winter jacket!

The photo at top shows what many of the roads in town look like after a rain. The next two photos are my feeble attempts to capture the force of the rain coming off the eave of the house.
Oh, I just found out that Bound for Ceiba has some good pictures of what it looked like in town yesterday.