I've been getting questions by email about the dates of the La Ceiba Carnaval so I thought I would mention it. The official dates of the two week event are May 10 through May 24th.

The full name of the carnaval is la Gran Feria Isidra y Carnaval de la Amistad (amistad meaning friendship in Spanish). Parade floats and entertainers are scheduled to come from New Orleans, the Cayman Islands, and many other places.

A sort of county fair and rodeo is held for the entire two weeks out near the airport. Activities during the second week include neighborhood carnavalitos (little carnivals) and the big parade and night time street party will be on Saturday, May 24th. This is one of the two times of year that all the nicer hotels fill up so make your reservations soon.

Some Blogicito carnival related articles from 2007 are here.
Update, April 17, 2008: Okay! I give up. I guess the powers that be think that enough people come to the Carnival as it is and don't want anyone else to know about it. Reader Quitos informed me that the "official" carnaval website linked above has lost their domain as of April 12.
See the 2013 carnival update here.