Hondubirding is a blog by my internet friend and frequent commenter, Daniel. Daniel is one enthusiastic guy who describes birding as "hunting without guns." Daniel has a great blog about birds and birding in Honduras. Even if you aren't interested in bird watching, I think you'll enjoy the photos. In addition to birds, he also has photos of the some of the national parks.

I was reading the newspaper tonight when some bird photos caught my eye. The article was about the Club de Birding encouraging bird watching as a hobby. The article recommended that people could learn more by visiting Daniel's Hondubirding site. Way to go, Daniel! This is actually the second time in two months that Daniel has made the newspaper. The last time was in an article about the Río Plátano Biosphere.
Daniel writes his blog in both English and Spanish, depending upon his mood, I guess, and he's a master at both. In his latest article, he divulged that he had been thinking of not updating his blog anymore. Thankfully he has been been recently rejuvenated by his quetzal find and some feedback and contact from some other birders.
I have a couple of bird photos to post soon. I'm going to guess what they are and have full confidence that Daniel will correct me if I'm wrong. It's nice to have an expert close at hand.
By the way, Daniel, last night I came home from a neighbor's house about 9 p.m. and as I was opening the gate, I heard a noise. It's pretty dark out here but I turned around and saw what looked like a big tern fluttering around the vacant field across from my house! The wing span looked to be more than two feet. Does that make any sense? I've never seen a bird like that flying around at night.