Or maybe not. But it can't hurt to eat yogurt every day, can it?
(Well, there is the fat, cholesterol, hormones, and antibiotics, but then I am trying to turn over a new leaf and look at the bright side.) ;-)
I've been on a yogurt making kick since I received my new yogurt maker. (Thanks, Gail and Drew!)
I originally started thinking about yogurt when one of my chickens got sick. Yogurt was often recommended to help boost their protein intake and to help fight the bad bugs. Then when I started researching the skin problems Chloe the Rottweiler has, I also read that yogurt was recommended to get the balance back into her system. Someone even recommended smearing yogurt all over her skin to help with yeast problems.
However, the yogurt I find in the stores does not indicate that it has the natural cultures so I wasn't sure if it would do any good for them or not. Someone mentioned making homemade yogurt. Once I found out how easy it is to do, I was hooked on the idea.
All that is needed is milk and dried yogurt culture or some plain natural yogurt to start it with. Technically, you don't even need a yogurt maker. Keeping the mix at the proper temperature while it incubates probably isn't all that hard in a thermos or glass jar. However, I'm the kind of person who finds laundry in the washer two days later, so I had visions of finding a curdled mass of sour milk in the oven a week afterward.

(Wow. Amazon is telling me this maker is now $20.54. What price do you see?)
I've been making yogurt just about every day. I used the powdered culture for the first batch and I've been using 1/2 cup of the prior yogurt to start each new batch ever since. When doing this recycling, they say that the yogurt cultures will eventually give out or be contaminated by local bacterias in the air. When that happens, I'll use another of the powdered cultures and start the cycle over again.
I also add 1/4 cup of powdered milk as the extra protein is supposed to help make firmer yogurt. Mine has been nice and firm each time. The first time I made it, the liquid separated a lot, but the animals love the whey so it was no great loss. Since the very first time, it has turned out great.

I haven't even gotten into mangoes, pineapple, and smoothies yet either. I'd really like to get my hands on some Stoneyfield, Brown Cow or other gourmet yogurt or Greek yogurt culture someday, but in the meantime, I'm plenty happy.
There is more information on yogurt on the internet than you could ever find the time to read. If you are interested in learning more about making yogurt, check out some of these sites.
101 Cookbooks - Homemade yogurt recipe
The Leafy Lady - The health benefits of yogurt
Joe Pastry - on yogurt (I love this blog! I like learning the science behind cooking.)
And then I ran across this:
19 easy ways to make cheese and yogurt
Who knows, maybe cheese making will be in my future, too. It doesn't sound all that hard.