Well .... not exactly "goes" to prison.

We were walking along the street past the prison (maybe it is more like the jail − you know for short term or pre-trial stays − I'm not real sure and don't plan to find out).

I took a photo, but he was pretty far away and in the shade. He came out a little ways and I took another.
He was asking me how it came out and motioning, "show it to me." Apparently, he couldn't come down the stairs − 'cuz he had to guard and all − so I went up.

Now here is some gossip that I've heard from El Jefe who heard it from a friend who visited a friend inside. There are drug dealers inside who have private suites, complete with air conditioning, TVs, and you name it. They rent the room, from the guards or whoever is in charge, I guess. For a price, prisoners also can take women visitors into the cell with them. Well, actually, for the right price, they can just get out. Mysterious escapes from Honduran prisons happen all the time.

Is there nothing La Gringa won't do for a story? Well, putting aside paid cell visits anyway.