The cost of living is much less here in Honduras than in the U.S. The cost of dog living, or at least feeding dogs is a different story. This photo represents L. 2,400 (US $127) and will last about 4 to 6 weeks, depending upon whether the toad is eating it, too. That seems very high to me. Pro Plan is the only reasonably good quality dog food we can find in La Ceiba. We mix it with the lesser expensive Purina Hi Pro.
A popular cheap brand of dog food is called "Dogui" (pronounced doggy). Beware of that stuff. El Jefe bought it a couple of times when we couldn't get to the vet's office to buy ProPlan. Both times Chloe the Rottweiler's hair started falling out and it took her almost two months to recover. Never again!
We occasionally give the dogs leftovers. The Shi Tzus that I brought with me from the U.S. (who have since gone to doggy heaven) loved fruits and vegetables but I can't get these Honduran dogs to eat them at all.

On the other hand, everyone throws their chicken bones to dogs. Dogs love them but I've always heard that chicken bones can kill dogs. My neighbor said that his rottweiler almost choked to death on a chicken bone.
P.S. We still have Chihuahua puppies available if anyone is interested.