EcoMart at the Copena station | La Gringa's Blogicito

March 1, 2007

EcoMart at the Copena station

Eco Mart, La Ceiba, HondurasEcoMart at the Copena gas station, La Ceiba, Honduras

La Gringa aims to please. I received this by email the other day.

I ran into your blog the other day while on the internet. I was just in Ceiba last week on a medical mission trip. The reason I'm writing is because I was wondering if you have any pictures of the Eco-Mart gas-station signs. My friends and I fell in love with the sign, and figured we could find a picture of it on the internet, but I haven't run across one as of yet.

Sorry it's such a random question!



We stopped to buy a soft drink today and darned if it wasn't at the Copena EcoMart. I ran back to the car to get the camera. Since you gave me such an easy assignment, H, as a bonus, here are a couple of interior shots.

Eco Mart, La Ceiba, HondurasLooks just like the good old USA, doesn't it? It has all the same bad-for-you stuff plus you can throw your money away on Loto tickets, too. Just like home.

Eco Mart, La Ceiba, Honduras
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