Right after I posted yesterday's article saying, "Today was another first for me," I had yet another first.
I killed a snake.
Actually, Chloe and I working together killed a snake. I'm not proud of it and looking at it today in the light, I doubted that it was venomous. I was scared to death last night, though. I was afraid that Chloe was going to be poisoned or that the snake might hurt the baby chicks, so I did it.

As I went through the front door with the camera, I saw that the snake was no longer there on the sidewalk. I walked down the two steps and just as I stepped onto the sidewalk....
the snake came flying through the air from above my head!!

(I still don't know how that happened, but I think that Chloe may have captured the snake in the bushes and flung it in the air.)
I SCREAMED some more as I jumped back while Chloe began attacking it. I was watching and videoing (always the blogger even when suffering from complete terror), mesmerized for a minute or two, when I noticed that it had a wedge-shaped head much larger than the width of its triangular-shaped body − or at least it appeared that way last night. It was hissing and lunging at Chloe as she nipped at it's body. In the dim light, I thought I saw blood in Chloe's mouth. I was scared to death that it was venomous and that it would be a battle to the death for both of them.

In case you are wondering, no, El Jefe was not at home so it was up to Pioneer Gringa to handle the situation and protect the livestock.
We watched it awhile to make sure it was dead and then I scooped it up into the shovel. I checked Chloe's mouth and face and didn't see any blood or signs of a bite.

If you been reading this blog for a time, you know that we have had a lot of different snakes around and that I've done my best to try to save them from the fate of the machete. I don't like snakes but I do understand their importance to the environment.
Today, I really feel badly about killing it. Last night, I was so terrified. It was dark, I couldn't get a good look at it, and I sure didn't have time to research it on the internet. As I was trying to decide what to do, all I could think of were the stories I've been told about dogs dying in horrible agony from snakes bites. Maybe it is just too much coffee, but I'm still a little shaky today.

The Complete Guide to Snakes in Honduras (in Spanish) states that it can reach 70 cm. (28 inches). This one was about 60 cm. (24 inches).

Oh, by the way, the nighttime snake videos came out black and I thought that listening to a few minutes of Chloe barking and me screaming would be boring.