That's right, we have four baby boy chihuahuas, each weighing 5 ounces (142 grams). They seem healthy and strong and each began searching for milk within two or three minutes of being born. Zoe, the little mother, is doing fine. She's being a great little mother and didn't seem to have any problems with the births.
Yesterday afternoon, Zoe wanted to go up to her bed and banged against the closed bedroom door to get my attention. I went upstairs to open the door for her and put her in the box we had prepared for her. She was acting pretty normal, though, so I assumed it would be a few hours away. I went out to feed the chickens. That was around 2:00 p.m.

By 4:00 p.m., it was all over, the puppies were eating and Zoe was resting. The first one looks like Joey, the second two one looks like Zoe, the third one is a little darker, and surprise, surprise! − the fourth one is black.

Joey's father was black and his mother was rubio (blonde). Zoe's father was white and we think her mother was blonde. El Jefe bought her in San Pedro. It was love at first sight for him and he didn't ask. (He did send me photos of Zoe and her brother over the internet so I could help him choose.)
Here is the video!
It's not too gruesome or explicit − suitable for all audiences.
Can you help me think of four boy's names that rhyme with Joey, Chloe, and Zoe? Not that we are going to keep them all but we have to call them something in the meantime.