May 29, 2009, a 3-quake day
Map: USGS Earthquake site
Map: USGS Earthquake site
Would you believe that as I was writing the last article about my Honduran earthquake experience, at 8:46 pm on Thursday, I thought we had another aftershock? However, much later while looking at the USGS Earthquake site again, I found that we actually had had another earthquake, rated 4.5. This one was also offshore about 60 miles (100 km.) NNE of La Ceiba.
Looking further, I saw that the aftershock we felt shortly after the original quake was actually another 4.8 offshore quake at 3:06 a.m. (The earthquake site does not reflect Honduras' actual time zone. They may think we observe daylight savings time because the times they report are one hour later than actual times. Sometimes we do observe DST in Honduras but only when we feel like it and we reserve the right to stop in the middle of it if we decide to.)
The aftershock that we felt at 11:18 p.m. felt much stronger and lasted longer here in La Ceiba than either the 4.5 or 4.8 quakes. I kept expecting it show up on the USGS site but it hasn't.
And finally, the USGS has apparently reclassified our original quake from 7.1 to 7.3 on the Richter scale. The Honduran news has not reported that change, but that is what I'm seeing on the USGS website now.
Related articles:
Terremoto! 7.1 Earthquake in Honduras
Earthquake - The first time the earth moved for me, then again and again and again
Make that four Honduran earthquakes