La Gringa's Mango Ice Cream Recipe | La Gringa's Blogicito

April 7, 2010

La Gringa's Mango Ice Cream Recipe

La Gringa's Mango Ice CreamLa Gringa's Mango Ice Cream

This recipe follows the basic Ben & Jerry's homemade ice cream recipe. Oh how I miss you. Ben and Jerry, but with your guidance, I make do! Still dreaming of New York Fudge Chunk and Chubby Hubby, though. My memories are fading and I can't even remember what was in Chubby Hubby, just that I really, really liked it! Was there something strange like chocolate-covered pretzels?

Here is a good tip for those of you in Honduras or other tropical climates. I've found that the Cuisinart is just not up to this climate and the ice cream will be milkshake consistency unless I chill the mixture VERY well first. Once I even used an extension cord and ran the machine inside the refrigerator. Another time, I took the machine to the bedroom and turned on the A/C! But that seemed really extravagant and neither method really made much difference, so now I try to plan ahead.

To avoid really soupy ice cream − and who can wait until it has completely hardened? − put the prepared mixture in the freezer
(in your mixing container, not the machine's freezer container). Usually you'll want to leave it for at least an hour, stirring occasionally to prevent ice crystals.

If you are starting with a room temperature mango, or any other warm ingredients, you may need to chill it for two hours or even more. Just be sure to check the mixture and stir in the frozen bits around the edge of the container occasionally. I usually set the timer and check it every 15-30 minutes so I don't forget.

If, however, you misjudge and after stirring, the mixture still contains icy particles, let it sit while you stir it for a minute or so just until the ice crystals melt. Otherwise you will end up with 'icy' ice cream − not
at all acceptable to Ben, Jerry, or La Gringa!

If you have an extra mango, chop it into small bits for topping the ice cream or stir some fruit into the completed ice cream as you serve it. El Jefe doesn't like frozen fruit, so I don't add fruit bits in advance.

By the way, if you are not in a tropical climate, don't be afraid to buy those mangoes that have traveled halfway around the world. Mangoes are often picked green and hard, even here where they are readily available. They still ripen quite nicely. However, before you buy them, check the mangoes carefully for soft spots or black spots. Those are often a sign that the fruit is damaged inside, too.

And finally, do you know that it has been scientifically proven that slightly soft ice cream tastes better than rock-hard ice cream? It has something to do with the taste buds freezing. Similarly, the ice cream mixture should taste just slightly too sweet, because once it is frozen, you won't taste the sweetness as much.

I hope you enjoy it!

La Gringa's Mango Ice Cream
makes 1 1/2 quarts

1 ripe mango, medium to large
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cups cream
1 to 2 cups milk

Peel and slice the mango, choosing a less 'stringy' type of mango, if possible. Place in blender and puree until very smooth. If you start with about 2 cups of pieces, you should have 1 to 1 1/2 cups of puree. If your mango is very large, chop the excess and use to top the ice cream later.

Beat the eggs with a wire whisk for 2 minutes until thick and lemon-colored. Slowly whisk in the sugar, beating about a minute more. Stir in the vanilla, cream, and mango puree. Add enough milk to fill your container to the proper level. For the Cuisinart ice cream maker, 5 to 5 1/4 cups is the maximum.

Chill the mixture very well. Freeze according to your ice cream maker instructions.

If you must, substitute low-fat, no-fat, fake egg, sugar-free stuff, but I take no responsibility for that! ;-D
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