Nadine left a comment about her upcoming July trip to La Ceiba:
I found this blog very useful and quite funny..i'm planning to visit la ceiba for 2 weeks in july but from what i've just read in the weather section it seems that it's not a very good time of year for visiting. should i be cancelling? any suggestions?I had to go back and review my weather section to refresh my memory. I know I do a lot of complaining about the weather, maybe less so now since I don't want to get too boring − it's the humidity!
But I didn't find any articles about weather in July so I'm not quite sure what Nadine is referring to. Long ago I wrote an over all article about La Ceiba weather, since that is a common question that I receive. The article is How is the weather in La Ceiba?
Now that I have almost another two years of weather experience, I still say that late December and January are the iffiest months for tourists who have a limited time and don't want to spend it shivering inside. Usually once or twice during the "winter" we have a week of relatively cold, dreary, and rainy weather. No one can predict when exactly that would be, so if that type of weather would ruin your plans, I'd suggest avoiding those months.
Honduras is in the tropics and is subject to hurricanes. Hurricane season in La Ceiba is June through November. Hurricanes have been much rarer here on the north coast of Honduras than in other areas of the tropics, Cancun, for example, but it could happen, just as it could happen just about anywhere near the ocean.
July? I say go for it!