Wow! Look at all these great things that reader J brought me from my Amazon wish list in thanks for my helpful information. How generous is that? I'm a happy blogger right now. (By the way, she and her friends loved the restaurants that I recommended.)
I'm right in the middle of a 1,200 page novel right now, but this stack of books and magazines is waiting for me like a security blanket. I always get nervous when my reading supply gets low.

Then yesterday, I received these great tropical gardening magazines from D. It's like Christmas in La Ceiba.
I guess I need to get on the stick here and start earning my pay. I've been kind of busy lately and can't seem to tie up the loose ends on some of these articles. Finding and uploading photos and arranging them takes time! It takes more time than the writing at times.
Coming up is a new restaurant review, a couple of updates to others, my crystallized ginger fiasco, the end of the Frank story that Kman has been waiting for, my bewildered look at the La Ceiba housing market, several guest blogs, and much, much more. Stay tuned.