One of my orchids is in bloom again so that is exciting. A reader identified it as Myrmecophila tibicinis. Last year it bloomed later in August. Better photos are at "My first time ever" where I reveled in keeping an orchid alive long enough for it to bloom.
One bloom that I forgot to include previously is the Costus. Costus blooms year round. I'm not sure how I missed it in both May and June as I walked around the garden taking photos, except that the blooms are at the top, well above my eye level. We have it in three areas but the best one in right outside the sala familiar (family room). The windows are about 6 feet (2 meters) above the ground so the Costus is just the right height to be able to enjoy the blooms from the inside of the house. Costus has an interesting form of growth which you can read about here.
Not a bloom, but our guava tree is producing. If only we could beat the fruit flies to them. :-/ I did notice that the lower right corner of the photo shows another bloom which I've neglected to show before. The red and yellow bloom is Heliconia psitticorum.
We've been receiving an incredible amount of rain for this time of year. We are supposed to be in the dry season, but I'm not complaining. It's great for the garden.