Honduran News
Honduran Newspapers (español) - Check out Google Translate if you don't read Spanish, but beware that it sometimes makes some serious errors in translation.
HondurasWeekly - English-language news and opinion
Revistazo (español) - Independent Honduran online news.
Tropical Gardening
Gardening by the Moon - Lots of info on moon phase gardening. Calendars available for sale.
ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service, includes information on organic farming, livestock and poultry raising, pest control, and much more. Available in Spanish, too.
ECHO Tech - Contains a wealth of information on small farm tropical agriculture.
Garden Voices - A compilation of garden blogs from around the world.
Miscellaneous Helpful Sites
CIA Factbook about Honduras - Facts regarding government, population, economy, geography, you name it.
Honduras Living Yahoo! group - For those interested in or currently living in Honduras. A high-volume, very helpful discussion group.
Honduras bank websites - all of the Honduran banks, kept updated by the intra-banking processing center.
Metric conversions - Very handy when going from US measurements to metrics or vice versa.
Starting a business in Honduras - From the IFC of the World Bank
Word Reference - Translation and definition of words. Also includes a discussion forum. My favorite.
Touristy stuff
Honduras.com - full of information, including hotel, restaurant, and sightseeing tips
Lonely Planet - travel discussion forum
Trip Advisor - check out hotel reviews before booking
Honduran Blogs

Honduras Blogs — Don't miss it! A great place to read about Honduras bloggers and view a snippet of the latest article from each Honduran blogger (Catracho and expatriate)
Feather Ridge (Island of Guanaja - not currently active)
Hondubirding (Countrywide, articles in English and Español)
Honduras: Libre, Democratica, Independiente (many articles in English)
Honduras Living (Tegucigalpa)
I owe so much (Tegucigalpa)
Nacer en Honduras (Esp.) (Tegucigalpa)
Pensieve (Honduran in Mexico)
The adventures of Hannah & Charlie (Tegucigalpa)
Central American and Mexican Blogs

The Real Costa Rica Blog

El Salavador from the inside *new*
What's up El Salvador *new*

Antigua Daily Photo

Adventures of a Third World Shopkeeper (no longer updated)
Reservations for one
Blah Blah Blah Ginger!
Countdown to Mexico
Gardener in Mexico (no longer updated but photos are worth a visit)
Theresa's Cooking Blog
Viva Veracruz
What do I do all day?

Las Frutas de Paraíso - no longer updated

A Neotropical Savanna
Chiriquí Chatter
Heidibella in the Tropics - no longer updated, but great recipes
Expatriate Links
Honduras Living discussion group
Click to join honduras_living