Only seven days left!
The following is a list of the official Honduran voting locations in the USA. Please note that the Honduran Consulate offices are NOT involved in the elections. All polling places are being run by the Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) in coordination with representatives of the five political parties.
I'd also like to point out that the TSE has implemented new procedures in this election to provide the greatest transparency and accuracy. I have read that any voters will be allowed to view the counting and tallying of the ballots. I would encourage any of you who have the time to stick around to witness the counting. This could be important if others later try to say that the counts were inaccurate or misreported to the Tegucigalpa.
Though the US is a big place and some of you may live far away from the voting locations, if it is at all possible to travel, please exercise your right to vote. It has probably never been so important for Honduras' future. And just in case that doesn't put enough pressure on you, someone wrote me who is traveling from Japan to Honduras to vote! If they can do it, you can, too. ;-)
Houston: Hotel La Quinta, 1625 West Loop South, Houston, Texas, 77027
Los Angeles: Evans Community Adult School, 717 norte de la calle Figueroa, en el centro de la ciudad, 6:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m.
Miami: 1250 NW 22 Avenida, Miami, Florida, 33125.
New Orleáns: Grace Episcopal Church, 3700 Canal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70119.
New York: Auditorio Iglesia Guadalupe, 328 West 14 Street, entre 8 y 9 Avenida, Manhattan.
Washington, DC: 3224 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20010.
Direct contact numbers for voting information in the US
This is a list of the National Party Coordinators in the US. Contact them for more information. I will be happy to add a list of the Liberal or any other party coordinators if someone can help me to find them.
CALIFORNIA: Xiomara Ayes-Fields (818) 903-6202
DALLAS: Marianela Pinel-Caballero (214) 500-9712
HOUSTON: Fernando Morales (713) 894-5820
MIAMI: Neybi Rojas (786) 366-7390
NEW YORK: Myrna Guerra (917) 532-6619
NEW YORK: Ruben Pacheco (201) 467-7979
WASHINGTON, D.C.: Carmen Pleitez (703) 474-7154
NEW ORLEANS: Oscar Avila Bodden (504) 512-2930
NEW ORLEANS: Scarlett Alaniz Hedman-Diaz (504) 667-1899
Voting Locations in Honduras
Other information is available at the TSE website. If you will be voting in Honduras, you can enter your ID card number here to find out the location where you are supposed to vote.
Election and Candidate information
El Heraldo Especial Elecciones
La Tribuna Elecciones
La Prensa Especial Voto 2009
Proceso Digital Especial
Questions about the Honduran elections?
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